From the TV anime "SYNDUALITY Noir", the upgraded version of the mecha "Daisy Ogre" piloted by the main character Kanata, "Daisy Ogre Alter", comes with new weapons such as Gamirant Blade, Saw Launcher and enhanced assault rifle, and is available in the HG series as soon as possible. Also released!
A reinforced assault rifle with a total length of approximately 109.5mm is included. The front grip expands and can be held with both hands.
The Gamirant blade equipped on the arm can be reproduced in its stored and expanded states.
The new weapon Saw Launcher has a rotatable blade. The blade can also be removed and displayed by connecting it to the included pedestal or action base (sold separately).
The cockpit and coffin are sculpted with great detail and are equipped with a slide/open gimmick. Figures of the main characters Kanata and Noir are included, allowing you to recreate their riding status.
Parts for changing the shape of the legs are also included to recreate the walking and roller dashing states from the movie.
Comes with stickers that can reproduce impressive markings. Various facial expressions are possible by selecting eye sensor stickers.
Reinforced assault rifle x 1
Gamirant blade x
1 Saw launcher x 1
Hand parts x 1 set
Leg shape transformation parts x 1 set
Display pedestal x 1
Figure x 2 types (Kanata , Noir)
Seal x 2 types